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Pixe PBS can develop personalised positive behaviour support plans that not only provide practical strategies but also incorporate creative activities to address specific behavioural goals and challenges. These plans are designed with simplicity in mind, ensuring they are easy to follow and not just another document tucked away in a drawer. Pixe's approach focuses on making the plans engaging and user-friendly for individuals with disabilities, their families, and support teams. Whether it's through art-based activities, sensory experiences, or expressive techniques, Pixe PBS plans offer a refreshing and effective approach to promoting positive behaviour and improving the overall quality of life for individuals.

Online Referral Form

To enquire about Pixe PBS services and availability, fill in the details below.

Or alternatively, complete this electronic PDF and email to

Online Referral Form  (over 18 years)

Your Relationship to the Participant (tick all that apply)
How would you like to be contacted?
Does the person being referred have known behaviours of concern? (Click all that apply)
Are there any known Restrictive Practices?
Who will sign the participant's Service Agreement?
Upload File

Thanks for enquiring, Pixe PBS will be in touch.

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